Sunday, June 9, 2024

Stories Without Borders: celebrating courage and resilience

At Auzure Beach Public Library, we believe in the power of stories. Stories have the power to inspire us, connect us, share wisdom, and, promote empathy and understanding. That's why we are so excited to announce our upcoming Human Library event during Refugee Week: Stories without Borders.

Refugee Week 2024

If you've never heard of a Human Library before, it's kind of like a regular library, but the books are human! Our Human books will be sharing their stories and experiences as refugees. From the challenges they've faced to the contributions they've made to our community, these stories are all about resilience, courage and hope. 

Join us for an afternoon of storytelling, connection, and celebration.

Date: Thursday 20 June 2024

Time: 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Location: Azure Beach Library

No need to book your spot, but spaces are limited.

Keep an eye on our social media to get a sneak-peak at our selection of human books.

Visit Refugee Week and Human Library to learn more about the inspiration behind our event.

-Jasmine Banister-Williams

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