Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Harmony Week has become an important event in Australia, as multiculturalism in the country has increased exponentially in the past year. That is why it is important to understand and get to know the people in our community that has found in Australia their new home, know their stories, struggles and sacrifices they have made for them to call Australia home. That is why we are having our FIRST Human Library event, on the 18th of March at 4pm at Azure Beach Public Library for Harmony Week, where people in our community could borrow 4 human “books” and learn about them, in a respectful way, understand their position, place them “in their shoes” and start to slowly stop judging them, if they do. The borrowers will have a limited time (max 20 minutes) with each book and the book will have the right to not answer a question they might consider inappropriate. This is a unique opportunity to come together, in HARMONY. If you would like more information, please have a look:

The success of Australia's Multiculturalism:  https://humanrights.gov.au/about/news/speeches/success-australias-multiculturalism 

Human Library: https://humanlibrary.org/

Harmony Week: https://www.harmony.gov.au/

Event Information:

Date: 18th of March

Time: 4pm to 5pm

Place: Azure Beach Public Library

Get your tickets fast! CLICK HERE As we have limited “borrower” places available! 


Andrea Cabello Arevalo

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