Friday, June 2, 2023

"Don't Judge a Book by its Cover"                              A Human Library Event

Azure Beach Public Library is hosting a Human Library event in the lead up to Social Inclusion Week (SIW) 18-26 November, 2023 to 'Connect, Collaborate & Celebrate'.

This event is to help all citizens to participate and feel involved in Azure Beach Community and listen to 6 Indigenous Human Library 'living books' share their stories of the challenges of growing up during the campaign for Aboriginal rights during the 1967 Aboriginal Referendum.

What Is The Human Library?

The Human Library is a global initiative that originated from Copenhagen, Denmark in 2000. The concept of the Human Library is that of people from diverse backgrounds volunteer to be the living book loaned to readers to tell their story, encourage challenging conversations, questions and understanding of diverse individuals personal and collective life experiences.
For more information visit

Event Details

When: Thursday 16th November 2023
Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Where: Azure Beach Public Library

44 Lighting Way, Azure Beach NSW 2100

The Human Library event is free and 18 + however bookings are required to borrow living books at allocated times. 

For booking enquiries please contact:


Social Inclusion Week (SIW) Australia

'Social Inclusion Week (SIW) Australia is a yearly event to encourage communities to reconnect and be inclusive of all age groups, cultures, nationalities and abilities.' 
This initiative focuses on helping all Australians to feel included, and feel valued to participate fully in Australian society. The brainchild of Jonathon Welch AM and launched in 2009,‘Social Inclusion Week’ put Australia on the global stage as the only country in the world to celebrate Social Inclusion nationally. In September 2012, he began his vision with the ‘School of Hard Knocks’ and 'Play It Forward' which are both inclusive arts and well being programs for all Australians experiencing disadvantages and homelessness.

For more information visit:

This year, Social Inclusion Week Australia runs from Saturday 18 - Sunday 26 November, 2023 with this year's theme:


 Mary De Guzman

June 09, 2023 
Labels #azurebeachlibrary #abplevents #thehumanlibrary #socialinclusionweek23 #connectcollaboratecelebrate #SIW23 #playitforward #diversity #inclusion #schoolofhardknocks #LGBTQ #multicultural #Aboriginal #TorresStrait



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Let's Talk Together|Human Library| Harmnony Week

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