Monday, November 13, 2023

Carers – Key Role , Key Support

Carers Key Role , Key Support in Local

                    Human Library  Event 

                    National Carers Week

Carers is one of the crucial groups in society. Carers provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental health condition, the frail aged and so on.

Running from Sunday 13 –  Saturday 19 October 2024, National Carers Week is a time to recognise and celebrate the 2.65 million Australians who provide care and support to a family member or friend.

In our community:

20% of the population have a disability.

15.5% of the population are aged 65-84 and 2.5% are aged over 85.

The proportion of seniors (the ageing) is higher. Carers have a lot of work and may be overloaded.

National Carers Week also is an opportunity to raise community awareness to how to care the needs of carers. Meanwhile, the event also can promote other groups to emphasize the care issue and caring roles.

A Human Library consists of “books” that are human. Each of these books volunteer to take part in the library and share their story. Like a regular library, the Human Library has a book jacket and description, and a “reader” can check out “books” on a topic that he/she/they may be interested in learning more about. (

Ten human books with caring experiences.

The living books will always get returned after 20-30

minutes with a stunning conversation.

Through this event, we can learn more about needs of work in carers and how to help them meanwhile promoting local caring services and extending to other groups

Very welcome to meet 

Our human books

1Karen(10 years)

Alice (years)    

3 Tina (7 years)                        
4 Mary (15 years)
6.Penny ( 17 Years)

7. Tim ( 7 years)

8 Amy(years) 

9 Amy5 years) 

10 Claire (4 years) 

 Join us now ! Enjoy it !

Only 60 (Young people: 15-24) available!

Book here:

        Time: 10am - 12am, Saturday, 19th October 2024

Address: Azure Beach Public Library, LIBRARY COURTYARD   99 Ocean Road Azure Beach 

Telephone: 9988 7666


Please visit Human Library website, 

Click this link to find out about the Human Living Library Events !

If you would like to learn more about National Carers Week

please visit:

Created by LIEN CAO

Education/Learning/assessment purposes only

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