Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Other Side of the Coin:
The Human Library at Azure Beach

Photo Source:
Did you know as at June 2024 almost 1 Million refugees have come to Australia? It can be difficult to imagine what others go through when fleeing their homes. Growing up in relative safety, our views can be skewed to imagine everyone’s stories are similar; even reading another’s accounts provides a dehumanising step of it just being a story on a page. 
The Human Library offers the opportunity to have a face-to-face, human discussion with a person, and learn their story from them. As part of refugee week, Azure Beach will be hosting a range of 'books' to provide their stories. For more information on refugee week, go to:

What is the human library?
The Human Library organisation is centered around breaking down stereotypes by facilitating real conversations between people who wouldn't ordinarily be able to have such an open discussion. It aims to break down barriers between people and advocate for acceptance. For more information go to
When and Where?
Wednesday 19th June 6pm-8pm
Azure Beach Public Library

Click here to go to register now, or email

Post by Jack Douglas

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