Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Elder Scrolls: Borrowind


During Seniors Week this year, Azure Beach Library is holding a Human Library Event.

What’s a Human Library? It’s an event where real people are on loan to readers. You get to talk to someone you probably wouldn’t normally talk to and challenge some stereotypes.

Our books on loan this year are older members of our community. You’ve seen them around but have you ever talked to them? Now's your chance to ask them anything you like.

Come along on Saturday the 11th and borrow an Elder Scroll and unjudge the boomers, the Karens, and probably at least one guy who took an arrow to the knee.

Old people - they’re not just NPCs

WHEN: Saturday, 11th February, 10am until 12:30pm
WHERE: Azure Beach Library, courtyard (will be held indoors if raining)
COST: Free, light refreshments provided
ENQUIRIES: (02) 1234 5678


To learn more about the Human Library concept, click here: https://humanlibrary.org/

C. Wilkinson

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