Sunday, June 25, 2023

Respect is for all: A talk about Homelessness and indigenous issues.

 Day and time: 6/8/23 - 1pm-4pm 

Location: Azure Beach Library: Library Cafe 

Please note that this event is aimed at audiences 18+ 

Booking information: click this link to book now: http://www.azurebeachlibrary/events/

Here at Azure Beach we value the diversity of lived experiences from the members of our community, and their valuable insights. We would like to shine a light on the issue of homelessness in Australia, particularly in regard to our Indigenous Community. We have partnered with the Human Library to connect you with 10 Indigenous Australians "Human Books" who would like to share their experiences with homelessness. 

The Human Library is an international organization aiming to break down myths between different lived experiences, challenging stereotypes by providing open spaces to have in- depth discussions on topics that might otherwise be challenging to discuss openly. 

What question and preconceived notions do you have about the homeless? What is the reality of being homeless? What causes homelessness? How can we help those who are homeless? How much do personal circumstances or luck really play a role? We want to break down the myths on what really causes homelessness and the true experiences that those who have slept rough have faced. 

Come to our event to chat with our Human Books and experience their stories. 

For further reading on the issue of homelessness in Australia see What is homelessness? | Mission Australia and The History of Stereotyping Homelessness in Australia (

by Natalie Methven

#homelessness #events #indigenous #firstaustralians #humanlibrary #augustevents

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