Friday, December 2, 2022

Dying to Know Day Event

Azure Beach Public Library Event:
Dying to Know Day – "Destigmatising the End"
(Image sourced from

When: Saturday, 13 August, 2022
Where: Azure Beach Public Library – Library Courtyard (or Library main area in case of poor weather)

Bookings through EventBrite

Dying to Know:
August 8 is Dying to Know Day. Dying to Know Day is an annual campaign run by The Groundswell Project which encourages Australians of all ages to “Get Dead Set” about their end-of-life planning, so that they can both live and die well. To that end, Azure Beach Public Library will be hosting a Human Living Library event centred around Dying to Know Day.
For more information about Dying to Know Day, please visit their official website here: Their website also provides a list of recommended books and other resources, which can be found here:

But what is a “Human Living Library”?

A Human Living Library is an event at which, instead of borrowing written books, you borrow “Human Books” to have one-on-one conversations with for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. The goal of the Human Library organisation is to “Unjudge Someone”, or to “Not judge a book by its cover”. We invite guests to act as these human books, who can provide you with human insights and answers for your questions.
For more information about the Human Library project, you can visit their website here:

About our Human Books:
John Johnson is a representative for The Groundswell Project, who can provide further information about Dying to Know Day, and the processes and benefits associated with end-of-life planning. They have been a representative of the organisation for 5 years.

Sally Singleton is a retiree from our Azure Beach community. She has participated in Dying to Know Day activities in the past and can provide a perspective for how it has improved her life, her mental wellbeing, and the preparation and mental wellbeing of her family.

Aaron A. Aaronson is an older worker here in our Azure Beach main street, and is a well-known member of our community. Whilst not a participant in Dying to Know Day activities in the past, he has been preparing for his end-of-life via creation of a will, fiscal planning, and planning what he wishes to achieve in his life.

Tara Templeton is a young-adult patient from our Azure Beach Health Services, suffering from a terminal condition. She has been preparing for her end-of-life and has worked with Dying to Know Day groups for the past two years.

All are welcome, no matter your age or health. If you wish to learn more about end-of-life planning and how to improve your preparations, and that of your friends and family, please be sure to book. Attendance numbers are limited due to the nature of the event.

Some data about end-of-life planning:
Event By Matthew Sproule,
Azure Beach Public Library

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