Sunday, June 19, 2022

Celebrating Refugee Week 2022


"Let’s Talk" – Celebrating Refugee Week 2022

Come borrow a “Human Library Book” 

What is a Human Library? A Human Library in made up of "books", that is volunteers who give their time speak to others about their lives and experiences to you the "borrowers". 

To celebrate Refugee Week 2022, Azure Beach Library has invited 3 refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iran to the library to tell of their past struggles, hardships and triumphs.

How did they came to be in Azure Bay?
What is it like to flee your country in the middle of the night? 
Did you have to leave your friends and family behind?
What are you doing now?

You could also explore issues surrounding refugee rights in Australia with Kathy our "Human Library Book"from the Azure Beach Social Justice Group. 

When: Saturday, 25th June 2022 
Time: Book a 20 minute session between 2 - 4 pm 
Where: Azure Beach Library
Cost: Free
Restrictions: Participants must be 18 years +
Book here: at Eventbrite or call the the library on 9171 2000

Please click for more information on Refugee Week 2022 
from the Refugee Council of Australia:Refugee Council of Australia


#refugeeweekau, #humanlibrary, # AzureBeachLibrary, #refugees

Blog Post by Kate Lyons

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