Wednesday, May 29, 2024

10 Things I Don't Know about You



a Human Library Event at



6:00PM - 8:30PM


You are invited for a chance to 


the living stories of our community

Mental Health Flag :

For more about the Mental Health Flag, visit

At a ONE TIME ONLY after hours session

 the library is OPEN and the books are people.

10 Human Books will share the stories they have held back amongst the stress and noise of a difficult year. Support your friends as they tell the full story and learn about the support that's on offer at services around the Azure Beach Community. 

Please note: This event has an attendance limit and will be private. This is a #unplugged event and all mobile devices will be checked in for the full duration. All Human Books are sharing their stories in confidence and appreciate your respect. 

For more about Mental Health Month or to speak to a counsellor, visit:

For more about Unplugging, visit:

Image: © Unplug Collaborative,

Space is limited, registrations are ESSENTIAL.

For full event information and to register online, visit:

If you have any questions, please contact: 

J. Whiting, ABPL Event Officer


Phone: 02 9595 9595

Find us on FaceBook and Instagram:


Don't Fear The Age

Azure Beach Library is proud to host a Human Living Library event, in conjunction with the NSW Seniors Festival in March. 

A Human Living Library event is essentially a library of people, where you can 'borrow' human beings and have conversation you may not always be able to have.

We have invited 4 local seniors, our 'living books' to come and openly chat and discuss their experiences and insights on aging. In small groups you will have the time to interact and connect with these books, ask questions, listen to stories, and learn from their experiences. 

This intimate event will take place in small groups within the library. By closely interacting with these 'living books' we hope to encourage connection within the community, increase understanding of aging, reduce stigmatisation and fear, and knock down any barriers people may face towards aging.

You will have the opportunity to move groups, allowing attendees to gain different perspectives and have different interactions with the living books.

Join us for this powerful and moving event at:

The Azure Beach Library, Pearl Cove.

16th March, 12 noon

Free event.

Tea coffee and refreshments to be served following.

Bookings are essential, for all booking details: 

Email: Pam at

Call: Pam at the library on 9242 5353

or ask for details at the desk in the library. 

Click here for more information on the Human Living Library concept.

Click here for other events you may be interested in, that are being held around NSW and in Pearl Cove to celebrate NSW Seniors Festival


Image sources:

People Walking Illustration Stock Illustration - Download Image Now - Line Art, People, Illustration - iStock (

W. Strickland

Monday, May 27, 2024

Are you a REAL human?


FREE human library event at the Azure Beach Library!

This event is organised for the homelessness week and in collaboration with the council of Azure beach. 

Only 16 spots available for this event!

On 8th of Saturday August 2024

From 0600pm to 0700pm

The Human library books are 4 brave people from the local homelessness shelter through the stakeholders of Azure beach social welfare committee.

They will be available for one on one (15 minutes maximum) chat to share their life stories with any individual that are interested.

As per Azure beach cultural strategic plan 2022-2032, 45.4 % indicated they were not in the work force, 20% of the population have a disability. Azure Beach has an unemployment rate of 6.8%., The area scores low on the SEIFA Index of Disadvantage reflecting low income, low educational attainment, and high unemployment.

This event targets to promote awareness within the wider community in Azure beach LGA regarding the homelessness and support available to the people in need, also to inform the community with ways to offer more support to homeless shelter in the community.

To book,

Email : 


Call 02 8324 6710 

Before 31st July 2024.

For more information about human libraries;


Organiser: Ushan Nanayakkara Wasamge (Library Technician at Azure Beach Library)


#Homelessness    #Australia     #Humanlibrary     #Freeevent     #ABL

Photo credit: flicker crestive commons

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Harmony week - Cultural Connect


Harmony Week 2024



A Human Library event to connect with 

          our Multicultural Community!



Harmony Week is a time to recognize diversity and the importance of inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

Azure Beach Library celebrates this with 

a special event!

Have a chat with one of our 'Human Books' from Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, China and India. This is your chance to learn more about fascinating traditions, interesting cultures and even practice your language skills. 'Borrow' your book for a 30-minute life changing conversation. Every 'Human Book' from our bookshelf represents a country in our community that can be subjected to prejudice, stigmatization, or discrimination because of their lifestyle, belief, social status, ethnic origin etc. For more information about Human Library or about Harmony week

Join us!

Date: Thursday 21 March 2024
Time: 10:30am
Place: Library Courtyard, Azure Beach Public Library

Booking is essential! You can book here or please phone us on (02)9717 or send an email to Monique van der Velden -

#AzureBeachLibrary #HarmonyWeek24 #EveryoneBelongs #HumanLibrary #CulturalConnect


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Celebrate Harmony Day at Azure Beach Library!

Turn the Page: A Human Library for Harmony Day 

Every year on March 21st, we celebrate Harmony Day! This is a day to recognise Australia's incredible diversity and how everyone contributes to our vibrant culture. After all, nearly half of Australians were born overseas or have a parent who was!

What is the Human Living Library?

Instead of borrowing books, you'll get to "borrow" people! Our Human Books will be people from different backgrounds who are eager to share their stories, languages, and cultures.

For more information please visit :

This event is all about celebrating what makes us different and appreciating the connections we share. Join us for a fun and enriching experience!

Image provided by and used in agreement with copyright.
Location: Central Space 
Date and time: Thursday, 21 March - 10:30am

For bookings, please contact us at Azure Beach Public Library on (02)6165 6208 or email

Giovanna Carlos Balbin

Indigenous treasures, await during leisure.

Technology is advancing, and efficiency is increasing......
Those touching Indigenous stories are gradually disappearing......

Do you know? 
Australia's Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders are one the oldest continuous civilizations on earth, and that is why we need pay more care to protect them. 
With hundreds of cultural groups, clans, 600 dialects, and 250 languages, but only make up approximately 3.3% of Australia's population today.

Why we do?
This initiative aims not only to foster communication and exchange among our community members but also to demonstrate our commitment to Indigenous culture. 

What we do?
In preparation for Indigenous Literacy Day, Azure Beach Public Library plans to host a Human Library event. During this event, we will invite various "Human Books" to share their personal stories about Indigenous culture with the audience in one-on-one sessions

September 7th
Azure Beach Public Library
Café inside the librar
Do I need......?
No! We welcome all Indigenous members and all community members interested in Indigenous culture to share their stories.
Whether you want to share your story or join,
Contact us!

Yan Ni

Human Library Event - Speak Your Mind: Conversations on Youth Mental Health

  This October, join us at Azure Beach Library as we hold our first Human Library Event to celebrate Mental Health Month for Youth! Image cr...